It's the last day in March tomorrow (those April showers yesterday came a little early didn't they?).
I hope you all received Miss Yates' email yesterday and felt reassured by the message. As you will have read, there will be daily activities on the blog for today and tomorrow to take us into the Easter holidays. After the Easter holidays there will be a weekly grid of activities which will give you the flexibility to choose which activities you do and when during the week (so you can perhaps get those 'indoor' jobs done when the weather isn't as good). I will continue to blog daily to keep in touch with you all and perhaps make suggestions towards activities if you prefer some direction.
As for today -
Maths - as a starter, use your number cards to make any 2 digit number. Write that number in the middle of your page and then around it write as many calculations as you can that equal that number. Here's a video to remind you how to do this.
Then try this (you will need your number cards again).
Literacy - there is a choice of activities today.
The first is a 'Fix the sentences' task. I have included a link straight to the document. You can choose a few of the sentences to 'fix' or do all of them if you like! Here's an example of some of them. It would be useful to have your complex sounds chart from your pack for this one. You may have to change a lot about the sentence to help it make sense. Remember to read it aloud to help you.
OR - here are some reading comprehension tasks. They have different stars on the bottom to show how challenging they are. 1 star = simplest task, 2 star = confident, 3 = challenging. If you would like some more support with these - ask an adult to read one of the texts to you and you can try to answer the questions.
Science - I hope you've seen some of the gorgeous Spring lambs that are jumping around in the fields around our lovely village? Here is a Science activity that will use your questioning skills. The task is to find the 'Odd one out'. We've looked at these before and so you may remember that there is no right answer. You need to give reasons why each of the pictures could be the odd one out - for example 'The duckling is the odd one out because it is the only one that hatches from an egg.'
Remember to keep active too - use your Jump Start Johnny login in your home learning pack or catch up with PE with Joe on The Body Coach TV You Tube page. Get some fresh air too - although you may need to wrap up warm as it seems a bit chillier at the moment!
See you tomorrow!
Mrs Good
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